Steps in the Formal Publication Process


  1. Author(s) writes paper in established format and style. Title Page, Abstract, Text, References, Table, Figure Examples A and B


  1. Paper is submitted to a Journal[1]


  1. Editor of Journal sends paper to three anonymous experts (referees) in the field(s) within which the subject matter of the paper lies


  1. Referees examine the paper critically on the basis of how well the author(s) followed procedures consistent with the scientific method and of to what extent the authors research and conclusions are consistent with what is known about the subject in question[2]


  1. Referees submit a list of criticisms, suggestions and questions to the authors and recommend to the Editor whether or not the manuscript should be published as is, or after small changes are made (Publish With Minor Changes) or after substantial changes are made (Publish With Major Changes) or not at all (Reject).


  1. Editor sends comments of referees to author(s) and requests a written response along with a revised manuscript.


  1. Author(s) respond in detail to every single comment made by the reviewers.  The author(s) may agree or choose to disagree with the suggested changes.  If the latter, the author(s) must show cause why the suggested changes are not made.


  1. Editor decides whether the revised manuscript is ready for publication and/or whether it needs to be sent out for review again.  If the former, go to (9), if the latter go to (4).

  2. Editor submits manuscript to Technical Editors who make sure that the manuscript corresponds to accepted format and style guidelines and that the figures (if any) are publication quality.

  3. Paper is published.

[1] overseen by responsible and respected persons in the given field and usually published under the auspices of a formal body (such as the American Medical Association etc.).

[2] the paper may in fact suggest that previous lines of research in the given topic are incorrect.  This is of course allowed as long as proof for the assertion is contained in the paper and expressed logically.